Tag Archives: mystical poetry

Bosch, Hieronymus – The Garden of Earthly Delights-Triptych


Today I watched a very interesting BBC documentary on a painting that has always fascinated me.  It is beautiful and eerie, yet there is something peaceful and hopeful about it.  A kind of acceptance of the dance of life in humans and nature.  It pleases me to see human beings living so closely with the creatures of nature since it is the habit of the modern world to put them in such great opposition. I understand it is so close it could make someone uncomfortable to even look at it.  It seems unorderly and uncivilized.  I see there is something of the sensual pushed to its extreme in this painting, a kind of decadence run wild, while there is a kind of child-like innocence to it all.  All of the people in it are adults, there are no children yet all these adults seem so child-like to me.  It may have an element of something creepy in the garden but the creepiness is defused by the playfulness of it. What a happy thought, adults finding themselves in touch with nature and their child-like playfulness is this garden of delights.   There is a balance to the middle painting despite its chaotic nature.  I would even venture to say it is a chaos filled with intelligent design.    The people in the middle all seem to be throbbing together in a dance of celebration, of life…a desire for excess perhaps, a desire to party and be party animals…so much so that it is hard to tell who is the animal and who is the human but all the same their desire for this joy, this bliss, this ecstasy is a renewal of their child-like sensual power…it is a desire for something to free itself.  A desire for all they have been told is ugly and wrong about them to feel calm and at ease.  When I look at the middle scene of this painting there is something cathartic and healing about it.  In some way  the painting seems to give one permission to live…to know their desire for that renewal is innocent but to also realize you are no longer a child playing, you are an adult so when you set your shadow free again it may be a little creepy, it may be a bit unacceptable, it may even have a little element of something sinister but the intention is innocent, the desire for sensual freedom at heart is innocent.  These are my thoughts for the moment on the Garden of Earthly Delights.  Though I know it is a painting I could look at time and time again and see so much more in what it is telling us. If you would like to hear more amazing thoughts on this painting check out the video I am posting from the BBC, it is very insightful!  Then feel free to share your own thoughts about it.  Like the scholar on the video tells us we really know so little about what Bosch himself was thinking while he painted it so in that lack of knowing there is a freedom for our imaginations, feelings and reason to play with the images.  I would love to know where it takes you.




Why Beauty Matters


I would part ways to a small degree with some of the philosophical ideas, however, in the end I fully agree with his thesis on the importance of Beauty in the lives of human beings and how the modern era lost touch with it.  I would want to add more about what is sexy, sexual, can be sacred and beautiful as well. Also, I would want to include the love of people of the same sex and other queer folks to be included in the beautiful, not just love of a man and woman. I would also like to attempt to show the importance of earthly things as beautiful. I feel like Plato’s concepts of beauty are too limited in scope. He comes across as using beauty as an escape from reality, the ideal takes you away from this world. Which is all fine and good sometimes, it can be good medicine in times of suffering, however, there is so much beauty in earthy things…I like the painter he discusses that finds beauty in the every day world of things, even in the face of the elderly.  I’m just glad to know there are people out there who still understand how important beauty is to the human condition and want to do what they can to reinvent that idea.

“The human soul needs beauty more than bread.” -D.H.Lawrence

Sublime Divinity


Sublime Divinity                                                                    
awe inspiring
horrorfying, yet
compelling and destructive

the pleasure of relief
dark uncertainty
intense pleasure
blissful excitement

loss of form
vast and terrible

Beyond all beauty
mingled with despair
noble ruin
found in excess.

By: Bonnie Currie

“I Died for Beauty” by Emily Dickinson


I love Emily Dickinson’s poetry and had to share this poem!  She had such a strong connection with nature and a profound love of all things beautiful.  She loved Beauty with such passion that she would die for it, as she expresses in this poem.  She also addresses the philosophical idea of the interconnection between Beauty and Truth.  Keats once said “Truth is Beauty, Beauty is Truth”.  Enjoy the reading.  It is a brilliant masterpiece!  Emily deserves all the immortality she ever gained for the prose she shared with us.



Strangers in Paradise


Strangers in Paradise                                                                                                
Caught between virtue and vice
Sacred  Profane
Strangers intertwine
Walking the edge
Wandering when all the madness
Will come to ahead
Strangers in Paradise
Will they ever realize…
This is their chance to dream,
To sing their fantasies into life
To understand their love is not a crime
Yet they fear what they could be near
A land of silk and honey
A chance to leave behind nightmares and schemes
A chance to make all they have ever wanted a reality
Beautiful Losers
Elegant Waste
Longing for the ache in their chests to be put to rest
Lonely and Lost till freed by Love’s golden arrows
Unable to breathe till their gaze’s see…
Shooting stars and nebulae explode
In the eyes they long to behold
To embrace each other and cry out
Cry out for the chance to know true romance
To glance at a chance to be fancy free
To unite in dreams and fantasies
A union of powerful hearts that beat
Beating, Beating, Beating
Dreaming Beating heart’s desires
Firey desires, glittering dreams
The cellar door of their hearts swing

My lover, companion and friend
Look upon me with the eyes of hot consent
Speak me with desire and love
Tell me all that you want
And I will do the same
Reveal to you what these eyes try to say
To blend, to merge becoming one
Live the moment
A spiritual bodily awakening
Feel free in another’s arms
Feel our bodies hot and holy
Embodied love, energies align
Totally present to our hearts, souls, and minds
Sweet love when I gaze into your eyes the cosmos spins
Mystery unfolds to know all that is untold
To leave behind the veil of separateness
Bringing together the glorious force of masculine and feminine
Love that grows out and in, in and out
From me to you, you to me
Till me and you become we
We We We
It must come to be

The deeper and deeper we go
With our hearts we come to know sanctuary
We come to find romance is alive
It lives and gives the more we open to Love’s poetry
The more we move to the rhythms,
The dance of romance
Let yourself go wild inside me
I will let myself sway like a feather caught in the wind
With the release of our powers
We will grow like two flowers
We will dance and play like a bee on the most choice bud
And you will feel my pollen release like a flood.

By: Bonnie Currie

Sacred Beauty


How do I put into words what you mean to me?                                                                     
How does one tell of emotions better understood
Through the caress of bodies in motion
Passion fired by mutual desire
Passion unbounded, with the ability to fly high or dig deep
Yet I will attempt to share these romantic sentiments
To do justice to our love and feed you every compliment
You my dear so richly deserve

You, my love, connect to the depths of my soul
Reaching in you come to know
Blues baby your voice unhinges the logic of my mind
It has the power to free this heart of mine
You challenge while empowering me
Arousing excitement
Take me down, take me underground
Then lift me to the heights of beauty unparalleled
Show me all the light of your expanding, wondering soul
The darkness of your uninhibited desire
I want it lover, I need you to help me discover
The sensuality that lies beneath these veils and masks
Adventuring within forbidden territories banded by parental authorities
Walk the edge of the present moment with me

Your perception becoming fully aware you will perceive its arrival
Thriving on what is to be and bending it slightly to fit your fancy
Yet this slight of hand is not a scheme
Only a magical manipulation to give form to your dreams
The waters of our birth go deep
Giving the appearance of unfathomable darkness
Similar to the deeper regions of the ocean
One may find elements that glitter and alight to the point of luminescence

The rhythm of your soul informs one of regions unknown
Rhythms expressed through captivating movements
That entice the heart and tempt the mind
The alchemy you create is a wonder
It spells danger to the uncourageous and weak
Those who have lost their love and lust for life
To those who truly live it is a blessing to be enchanted by you
In every moment you spin
To be caught in the delicate, yet strong web you weave is a journey of bliss and ecstasy
This web of abandonment where one may be whisked away to a land of timeless existence

Oh my love, may I gaze upon your beauty divine
Absorbing the very essence of it
Lingering on each delicate curve
Allowing myself to become vulnerable to the seduction your form signals
Falling prey to your whim
Sacred beauty there is a danger in this allowance because it defies all logic and signals death
Yet it infuses life with such rich meaning I find myself throwing caution to the wind
Weave me into your web, practice your magic and heal this wounded healer
I will gladly climb your ladder to fire
Seeking to know all that is within you and all that is about you

Turn your cheek to me, unveiling the truth held within the depths of your soul
Arouse me with your brilliance and together, in this moment of transformation
We shall reclaim the glory of love and passion
Let this moment be witnessed in all its resplendence
Enlightening all who see, thus engaging every human faculty
To know…unlocking the gates to all shades of sensation
In the presence of this mysterious love there is an unshackling of chains
The walls of indoctrination fall and reason dies
In this moment the established order is reversed
And even though your eyes are telling of such disorder
They also express promise of a loyal and trustworthy source
Between us there is not only an exploration of body and soul
There is a passionate union of intellectual intercourse

Even in disagreement our minds become illuminated
The crystal becomes clearer and the edges of each crack sharper
Between accord and discord we dance, creating sparks and resonances
Supporting the process of our transformation
It is a world electrified by lumonisty
There is a blending of the sacred and profane
A harmony is struck between the seams
Though the landscape of this love is inward, the visceral reality is never diminished
Carefully attending the finest points of carnality, the sensitivity of emotional life
You convey an intelligent understanding of the inner depths of mystical experience
You are clever, like a fox
Yet in the same moment able to express a youthful innocence
Startling to all struck by its rapture

Your touch is electric, within each fingertip is enough power to melt the most rock solid body
And though this gives one the feeling of floating, it also has an undeniable earthiness
Charmed and happily so to be loosened by your power
Undressed as both object and subject you know my nudity and gaze upon it
Surrendering to your gaze, as you have to mine
Your knowledge is evident, while still conveying a certain purity
Sing your siren call of transformation, all will listen and be captured
Drunk they will swim with joy in your haunting melodies
We will feed them on the sweetness of blue flowers
Leaving the impression of something delicious and supple
While receiving all we have envisioned in dreams
Do not lose sight, even in your suffering
For these experiences will only augment the duende of your song
You will rise up singing and spread your wings
More beautiful and powerful than before
Those who have faltered will repent
Those who have always respected will be captivated with awe
Holy, sacred beauty you will invite all to dance and sing
Beyond imagined boundaries once considered reality.

By: Bonnie Currie

Liberating Love


Fire Desire
Create a passion so deep to unlock
The majesty of liquid ecstasy
From an overplayed reality
Reunion of dreams
Fulfillment of longings
Unhinged minds align with Blissful Passion
Unlocking a sliver glittering machine
A heart’s quickening beat
Inside and Out
Moving heat
As gazes connect mirrors reflect
Revealing the depth of soul
The stirring of hearts
Kisses exchanged with parting lips
Spirits move with the sharing of breath
Inner landscapes become outer worlds
In this moment there is no disavow
Beauty is allowed…to consume
This form becomes alive in both hunter and fox
As they lay together amidst soft pillows
Wrapping the hunter in fur, warming body
Pulling the fox closer firing a cold heart
They find themselves in a trance dance
A ritual where doors open and veils lift
Where innocence is at once shed and renewed
Where shadows play and light shines
All seeming contradictions merge and align
Each finds a paradise lost
No longer strangers in a trap of suffering games
Companionship offers them freedom to play.

By: Bonnie Currie

The Dance of Chaos, Birth of Eros, Union of Eros with Psyche


Laying in Love’s sweet embrace
I become transformed, at once
The vessel and blade of Desire
You shift and turn, Reason let’s go, Desire takes hold
In this moment I and You become We
Our solitude and longing drift on the
Lacy winds of Grace.

We swirl in the depths of Love
With humble hearts we exclaim great thanks
Through parting lips we praise our God Chaos
For giving birth to Eros
We pray in this moment, Cosmos be our guide
As we journey and share dreams, we sing
We take these threads and sew these seams
With great hope they may become reality

We smell each other’s sweet perfume
Our expansive aromas blend
As we twist and turn
As we sweat and burn
Caressing and addressing our kind companion…

We sip, tasting the full body flavors of one another’s cup
Overflowing with ripe juices we kiss
We are unable to hold back our smile as we slip into bliss
Becoming drunk in the frenzy
Dancing in this Dionysian ecstasy

We savor the flavor of this delicious liquor
Spilling and pouring forth
Our tongues mingle and tingle
Wetting our lips
Delighting fully each sense

This is truly the food of the gods
When Chaos is joined in the void of primordial existence
Chaos becomes…Chaos becomes
Chaos is pollinated, giving birth to Love
There is no sweeter drink
No more bitter flavor

Let us dance and sing
Let us celebrate the union of Eros and Psyche
Eros is born of Chaos
Psyche journeys to meet her mate
Eros born of black goo
Psyche travels through dark gates

They meet, they know
They see what will grow
This union is destiny
They surrender to the sweet alchemy
It must come to be uniquely in You and Me
So it may exist as “We”.

Dedicated to: Divinity and my love Byron

By: Bonnie Currie


Letting go to Love


Spiral dance…ecstatic trance…passionate glance

All weaved into this romance

A piece of fine cloth made of purple and gold

A woven web of intersecting dreams

Bridging hot unspoken fantasies

Burning desires melting and spilling from open hearts

Souls mating, contemplating what we are creating

Grasping for words to express these feelings in my breast

These feelings in my sex

This burning and aching, unresting quaking

A volcano exploding

The serpent rising, uncurling, and swirling

I long to feel your kiss

To dive into a sea of bliss

By: Bonnie Currie